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MAX-Training — Official site of Maxim Romenskiy - director and leading coach of the Ukrainian business-consulting company «MAX-Training». Redesign and total rebuild of the site.

URL: http://www.maxtraining.com.ua

Technologies: Server-based programming is made in PHP 4. DB MySQL. HTML+CSS. Clients scripts are made in Java Script.

Execution period: 14 days.

Volchansk Footwear Factory — JSC «Volchansk Footwear Factory» offers a broad assortment of specialized and working footwear for enterprises of heavy industry, coal mining and railway transport.

URL: http://www.vvf.com.ua

Technologies: HTML(CSS). PHP+MySQL. Flash MX.

Execution period: 14 days.

SESA — «SESA» Corporation is one of the three biggest producers of soft drinks in Ukraine.

URL: http://www.sesa.com.ua

Technologies: HTML(CSS). PHP+MySQL. Flash MX.

Execution period: 18 days.

Accient Window Fashions — Indoor design assistance. Central Texas.

URL: http://www.designsbyaccent.com

Technologies: HTML(CSS). PHP+MySQL.

Execution period: 10 days.

US Express Van Lines — Transporting company. Developed for Neo Geo Designs Company (www.neogeodesigns.com).

URL: http://www.usexpressvl.com

Technologies: HTML(CSS). Flash MX. PHP+MySQL.

Execution period: 8 days.

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